Tim Willis

Tony Bingham spoke to an audience of 35 on the Blue Standard Approach to Adjudication. The event held at the Birmingham Chamber Commerce and Industry on 28 July attracted a mixture of existing members and new members and provided a forum for debating the role of the adjudicator.

The Midlands Region held an evening talk on 23 June in which the question of the desirability and purpose of a Code of Conduct for adjudicators was debated.

Delia Dumaresq presented arguments as to the need for and desirability of such a code and John Riches responded as to why such a code was not necessary.

The legislative sub-committee met on 27th January 2009 to discuss the amendments to the Construction Act contained within the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill.
The proposals contained in the Bill with regard to adjudication are very much in line with the proposals suggested in the Adjudication Society response to the consultation and are welcomed.
The main deficiency noted in the drafting is section 108(3) which appears to preclude an express agreement giving the adjudicator power to allocate h