Martin Boyes

Many readers will know me as a Party Representative, in which capacity I have been privileged to meet and learn from several eminent Adjudicators, Solicitors and Barristers.

Many readers will know me as a Party Representative, in which capacity I have been privileged to meet and learn from several eminent Adjudicators, Solicitors and Barristers. Most of my learning has been positive, but I am becoming concerned at one aspect of contractual adjudications in particular now that the Courts are placing ever-greater emphasis upon pre-action protocol. In practice, the protocol effectively prevents a party from gaining the assistance of the Courts until they have tried alternative means of dispute resolution. Typically, this means adjudication.

I am pleased that my original article obviously struck a chord with many readers, and grateful to Lucy for selecting and printing two thought provoking replies – from Steve Rudd and Jeremy Hackett. Fortuitously, the June newsletter also contained a table of complaints made against adjudicators, compiled by Janey Milligan. All points are worthy of further comment.