
Articles by Bob Davis

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I was (and indeed still practice as) a Chartered Quantity Surveyor and Chartered Arbitrator operating in engineering and construction in the UK and internationally.

Following the TCC’s decision in ISG Construction Ltd v Seevic College [2014] EWHC 4007 (TCC) it did not take long for the ingenuity of practitioners to come to the fore in seeking to find a solution to what could be perceived as one contracting party gaining an unfair advantage as a resu

As I reach the end of my tenure as Chairman of the Society may I take a moment to reflect for the benefit of members exactly what the objectives of the Society are and what we are doing to achieve these.

Summer is upon us and change is afoot, for example and much to the despair of Martin Potter, England has a new cricket captain who hopes to rally his team and bring about a new dawn. Similarly the Construction Industry and in particular the dispute world is about to encounter change.

The concept of Adjudication in its present guise is 10 years old and heading for its teenage years. I am sure everyone will agree that what we have now it a vastly different animal to what we all anticipated we were about to get.

A belated and happy new year to all members, I hope the year will be a prosperous one despite the continued doom and gloom that is reported in the media.

Time flies as I approach the end of my first year in the chair of the Society. It is a year in which much has happened and the work behind the scenes carried out on behalf of the Society continues via the tireless efforts of dedicated individuals at executive and regional level.

I am please to commence this edition of the Society’s newsletter by recording my continued admiration and thanks for the efforts of our editor Lucy Garrett supported by my fellow executive board member Glenn Godfrey in producing a newsletter which continues to improve and is, I am sure members wi

Adjudication is working. That is the general consensus of the industry and the process is serving users well. Any quick fire system for solving problems will throw up anomolies and the odd bad decision however I ask what process of dispute resolution is deviod of such problems.

Following the continued success of our annual conference I am pleased to announce that Martin Potter together with suitable supporting staff will again organise this year's conference to be held on 15 November 2007.

On 16 November 2006, perhaps by way of a passing shot or maybe simply the final act of the outgoing chairman, Guy Cottam congratulated me in taking over the reins of the Society for the next two years.