Past Events

Expert Witness in Practice

Expert Witness in Practice
Speaker - James Golden
Venue: Colby House, Stranmillis Road, Belfast
Joint meeting of ICES and the Adjudication Society. The meeting is free to all members and £10 per head otherwise.

Annual Case Law Update Seminar

Annual Case Law Update Seminar
Speaker: Nick Ellis QC
Venue: 30 Semple Street, Edinburgh EH3 8BL

The enforcement of Adjudicators' decisions requires a statutory procedure

The enforcement of Adjudicators' decisions requires a statutory procedure
A debate with Philip Harris for the motion and Peter Collie opposing the motion
Venue - No 5 Chambers, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6DR
6.00 pm-6.30 pm buffet 6.30 pm-8.00 pm debate. Cost: £12
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.

A mock adjudication with a twist!

A mock adjudication with a twist!
Speaker:The adjudicator will be John Redmond
Venue: Veale Wasbrough Lawyers, Orchard Court, Orchard Lane, Bristol, BS1 5WS
Details and booking form in the Flyer

Do you have a contract?

Do you have a contract?
Speakers - Andrew Bartlett QC, Crown Office Chambers, and Robert Stevenson, Berrymans Lace Mawer
Venue: Berrymans Lace Mawer, Salisbury House, London Wall, London EC2M 5QN
More details in the Flyer.
Followed by refreshments kindly provided by Berrymans Lace Mawer

Adjudication Workshop: For Practising Adjudicators, Parties and Representatives

Adjudication Workshop: For Practising Adjudicators, Parties and Representatives
Speakers - Keith Blizzard and Nigel Ribbands
Venue - Shakespeare Putsman LLP, Somerset House, Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5DJ
Cost: £30
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.
The Law Society and Bar Council has accredited this event with 3 CPD hours

AGM and talk: Construction Act Reforms

AGM and talk: Construction Act Reforms
Speaker: Rudi Klein
Venue: Osborne Clarke, 2 Temple Back East, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6EG
The AGM of the South West and South Wales Region will take place at 5.45pm followed at 6pm by the talk by Rudi Klein.
See the attached AGM Notice for full details and a proxy form.

AGM and talk on 'Preparing for change'

AGM and talk on 'Preparing for change'
Speakers - Tony Bingham, John Riches, Tim Willis
Venue - Austin Court, The Institution of Engineering & Technology, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham B1 2NP
Cost for talk and buffet: £12
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.

Contentious Heads of Claim

Contentious Heads of Claim
Speakers - Peter Collie & Derek Pye
Venue - No. 5 Chambers (Fountain Ct, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR)
Joint with the West Midlands Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Cost for talk and buffet: £10
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.

The New Construction Act: The Legal and Practical Implications for Adjudication

The New Construction Act: The Legal and Practical Implications for Adjudication
Speakers - Hamish Lal and Emily Busby, Construction & Engineering Group Dundas & Wilson LLP and
Matt Molloy, MCMS Limited
Venue: Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE)
More details in the Flyer.
Followed by refreshments kindly provided by Dundas and Wilson

A Mock Adjudication for the Festive Season

A Mock Adjudication for the Festive Season
Adjudicators - His Honour Judge Anthony Thornton QC as the Adjudicator, Tim Tapper and Bob Davis for the Claiming Party, Richard Swan and Martin Potter for the Responding Party, Mr. Richard Wilmot-Smith QC as the Greek Chorus

Venue: The Great Hall, King's College, Strand, London
Details in the Flyer

Construction and Engineering Case Law Update

Construction and Engineering Case Law Update
Speakers - Peter Clayton & Anthony Bradley
Venue - Pinsent Masons LLP (3 Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6BH)
Joint with the West Midlands Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Cost for talk and buffet: £10
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.

Christmas 2008 Adjudication Bout

Christmas 2008 Adjudication Bout
Adjudicators - Tony Bingham, John Riches
Party Representatives - Daniel Atkinson, Sean Brannigan
Venue: Nabarro, Lacon House, 84 Theobald's Road, London WC1X 8RW
Details in the Flyer

Payment and Adjudication - Changes to the 1996 Act

Payment and Adjudication - Changes to the 1996 Act
Speaker: Rudi Klein, Chief Executive of the HVCA
Venue: RICS, 9 Manor Place, Edinburgh

Is legislative change necessary for adjudication?

Is legislative change necessary for adjudication?
Speaker: Judge in Charge of the TCC Mr Justice Ramsey
Venue: EC Harris, Portwall Place, Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NA
Details and booking form in the Flyer

Adjudication Society Annual Conference

Adjudication Society Annual Conference
Cost: Members: £180.00. Non-members: £230.00.
Full details are in the conference flyer.

Evaluating Contract Claims

Evaluating Contract Claims
Speakers - Peter Davison & John Mullen
Venue - BPE Solicitors (33 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5SN)
Joint with the West Midlands Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Cost for talk and buffet: £10
If you would like to attend, please fill in and return the form in the flier below
More details in the Flyer.

Adjudication Workshop 3

Adjudication Workshop 3
Lead by Jeremy Glover of Fenwick Elliott LLP and Liam Holder of EC Harris LLP
Venue: EC Harris Head Office, ECHQ, Regent Quarter, 34 York Way, London, N1 9AB
Followed by refreshments kindly provided by the hosts.
More details in the Flyer.
The meeting is free for members and guests but places must be booked in advance by email.

The Proposed Amendments to the Construction Act: Problem or Solution?

The Proposed Amendments to the Construction Act: Problem or Solution?
Speakers - Tony Bingham, John Riches, Tim Willis and others to be confirmed
Venue: Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP
Details and booking form in the Flyer

The tricky bits in adjudication and the tricky bits when adjudicating

The tricky bits in adjudication and the tricky bits when adjudicating
Speaker - Tony Bingham
Venue: Clarke Willmott, 1 Georges Square, Bath Street, Bristol , BS1 6BA
Details and booking form in the Flyer

Case Law Update

Case Law Update
Speaker - The Hon. Lord Glennie
Venue: Macroberts Solicitors, 30 Semple St, Edinburgh
Details and booking form in the Flyer

What Adjudicators Want

What Adjudicators Want
Speaker - Guy Cottam
Venue: Eversheds LLP, 1 Callaghan Square, Cardiff, CF10 5BT

Details and booking form in the Flyer
Applications for places to Sharon Gratton

Mock Adjudication

Mock Adjudication
Practicing adjudicators and party representatives will rehearse and demonstrate a typical adjudication addressing many of the contentious issues which commonly arise in adjudications.
5:30 - 5:45 Coffee and Registration
5:45 - 6:45 Mock Adjudication - presenters to be named
6:45 - 7:00 Questions and answers
7:00 - 7:30 Wine and canapés
Venue: Clarke Willmott 1 Georges Square, Bath St, Bristol BS1 6BA

Ascertaining the facts and the law - do fools rush in where angels fear to tread?

Ascertaining the facts and the law - do fools rush in where angels fear to tread?
Spearker: Stuart Kennedy, 3 Paper Buildings
5:30 - 5:45 Coffee and Registration
5:45 - 6:45 Presentation
6:45 - 7:00 Questions and answers
7:00 - 7:30 Wines and canapés
Venue: Ashford House, Grenadier Road, Exeter, EX1 3LH

Adjudication Workshop 2

Adjudication Workshop 2
Lead by Laurence Cobb of Taylor Wessing and John Riches of Henry Cooper Consultants Limited
Venue: Taylor Wessing, Carmelite, 50 Victoria Embankment, Blackfriars, London, EC4Y 0DX
Followed by refreshments kindly provided by the hosts.
More details in the Flyer.
The meeting is free for members and guests but places must be booked in advance by email.