William Webb

Many thanks to Glenn for the introduction and again may I echo his thanks to Lucy for the hard work she has put in during her time as Editor.  It is indeed truly astonishing that she managed to fit this job in alongside all her late nights and weekends toiling over a bottle of wine at Dalys important cases.
In even bigger news, though, not only do we have a new Editor but also a new Chairman in Chairman’s Corner – Nicholas Gould who you may know from… well, everywhere; but avid readers will certainly know of his Case Notes Corner.

If there one thing worse than having an adjudicator’s decision go against you, it’s that moment a few days later when you actually have to write out the cheque to the other side. With that in mind, what better than to remind ourselves of some of the ways you can try (but invariably fail) to wriggle out of paying an adverse decision.