William Webb

Isn’t it annoying when you see a shop put up its Christmas display in June. At first, there a brief feeling of excitement whilst everyone remembers how much fun Christmas is (or should that be was when you were a kid). If it’s a particularly interesting display, it may even get tongues wagging for a few weeks. After a while, however, people are bored of it. The run up to Christmas loses its lustre because the first two weeks of December are indistinguishable from the preceding two months.

First up in this edition we have a couple of practical articles on substantive points of construction law for adjudicators.
It is easy to view adjudication as a quick and easy way to get money.
The theme of this newsletter could be Adjudicators behave!
The highlight of this issue is a study into the recent history of adjudication, how the process used has varied over time and how it has been impacted by the strength of the construction industry. It makes for very compelling reading demonstrating some interesting trends which I suspect conform to most people’s experiences. It’s well worth a read just to see how adjudication has fared through the downturn. Elsewhere in the issue, it’s business as normal with John Riches raising in vehement terms the issue of blacklisting of specific adjudicators by specific parties.
As is often the case, this Newsletter has two distinct sections – the first providing guidance for those who act for the parties in adjudications and the second providing guidance for those occupying the decision making hot seat itself.
Change is in the air. Not only do we have a new Lib-Con government in Downing Street, but the proposed statutory amendments to the Housing Grants Act and Scheme provisions rumble on. Will the new government affect this?
Hello and welcome to the first newsletter of 2010. What does the new year have in store for us? Well, just as the last Newsletter was going to print the new Construction Act was finally passed and it may be brought into force by the end of the year. Or maybe not. There have been rumours for a while that the Conservatives aren’t too keen on the rest of the Act (one man’s “local democracy” is another man’s “postcode lottery”) and that depending on how events unfold in May/June it may never see the light of day.

This quarter’s newsletter starts with a Chairman’s Corner from Nicholas Gould containing some important news regarding the direction of the Society and the appointment of an Honorary President. I won’t ruin the excitement for you so please go and read it for yourselves now.

The theme of this month’s newsletter is adjudication rules.  We have articles on the TeCSA and CEDR rules and, probably most importantly, the Scheme courtesy of Jeremy Glover, Shona Frame and Mark Entwhistle respectively.  No doubt these articles will help you avoid falling into any pitfalls and traps these rules may contain, but I can’t help but feel that life would be easier if everyone just opted for the Scheme.  We must thank the JCT for leading the way in this respect and hope amendments to the HGCRA take the next step.