Two mentoring schemes established

Women In Adjudication is tasked with the promotion of women in adjudication. One of the perceived barriers to access is lack of role models (particularly female role models).  To help, Women in Adjudication (WIA) has established two schemes to enable Members of the Society to gain practical experience and learning of the adjudication process and to assist Members with general career development as follows:

  1. Formal Mentoring Scheme; and
  2. Ad-hoc Mentoring Scheme.

Details of the schemes (which are open to all Members, not just women) and how to apply can be found in the Mentoring section of this website. The schemes will be officially launched at the annual conference on 30 November, but in the meantime, Members interested in joining the schemes as a mentor or mentee are invited to contact Claire King, Morwenna Crichton or any member of the committee.

The Adjudication Society would like to thank Sue Kim and Sophia Burton for their assistance with the drafting of the schemes and Philip Fidler for his valuable input.