
Articles in the Winter 2023/24 Newsletter

Displaying 9 items

Notes from the Editors, Douglas James and Benedict Morillo

Notes from the Chairwoman, Susan Francombe

Morwenna Crichton of Yelland Savage reports on two new mentoring schemes.

Douglas James of Crown Office Chambers considers the question of when an adjudication decision may not be enforced for bias.

Claire King of Fenwick Elliott considers the 2023 KCL Construction Adjudication report.

[2023] EWHC 2388 (TCC)
Key terms:
Adjudicators' decisions; Admissibility; Bias; Enforcement; Without prejudice communications
[2023] EWHC 2269 (TCC)
Key terms:
Adjudicator’s Decision, insolvent
[2023] EWHC 2243 (TCC)
Key terms:
Adjudicators' decisions; Conditions precedent; Construction contracts; Enforcement; Estoppel by convention; Interim payments; Natural justice; Notices; Service
[2023] EWCA Civ 54
Key terms:
Abuse of process; Adjudication; Adjudicators' decisions; Contract terms; Dates; Estoppel; Interim payments; Interpretation; Notices; Sub-contractors; Validity; Variation; Waiver