Past Events

Innovation and Change in Construction Law

Innovation and Change in Construction Law
The extent of changes over the last decade is well documented in sector reports such as Latham and Egan. This need for innovation and change has been supported through various forums by the move towards less adversarial relationships and the developments of alternative contractual and dispute resolution approaches.
Some of the leading figures in the industry will provide a helpful review of recent developments in construction law, identifying trends and how they might develop in the future.

How can we improve adjudication?

How can we improve adjudication?
The talk will look at the adjudication system in the UK and compare it with other
dispute resolution procedures such as the Dispute Resolution Board's prevalent on
major international projects. Is there anything we can learn from these alternatives?
We will also look at interaction between adjudication and mediation, considering the
issues to be aware of when considering mediation and adjudication.
Speaker: Dr Robert Gaitskill QC - Keating Chambers

Michael Black QC will give an update to the Society on recent developments in adjudication. Michael is a well known and respected silk, and the discussion promises to be informative and interesting. The meeting will take place at Hammonds, Trinity Court

Michael Black QC will give an update to the Society on recent developments in adjudication. Michael is a well known and respected silk, and the discussion promises to be informative and interesting. The meeting will take place at Hammonds, Trinity Court, 16 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M60 8HS. Contact Simon Whitfield on 0870 839 0000.

Adjudication - is it time to give the 5 year old brat a thick ear?

'Adjudication - is it time to give the 5 year old brat a thick ear?'
Speaker - Tony Bingham
Venue - Brunswick Lecture Theatre, Leeds Metropolitan University

Mock adjudication led by Chris Dancaster

Mock adjudication led by Chris Dancaster
To be held at the Birmingham and Midland Institute at Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BS
Fee: £15

Adjudication Reporting Centre's November 2003 Report

A joint meeting with the Institution of Civil Engineers
Janey Milligan of the Department of Building and Surveying at the Glasgow Caledonian University will be speaking on the University's Adjudication Reporting Centre's November 2003 Report
The meeting will take place at 1800 hours prompt at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, 20 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1HS (Please use the Tudor Street/Bouverie Street entrance)

Joint technical meeting with CIOB.Mock Adjudication.

Joint technical meeting with CIOB. Mock Adjudication.

A joint meeting with the Society of Construction Arbitrators and the Association of Independent Construction Adjudicators.

Peter Bowsher QC will speak on the "One Stop Shop - Arbitration, Mediation and Adjudication".

The meeting will take place at

A joint meeting with the Society of Construction Arbitrators and the Association of Independent Construction Adjudicators.
Peter Bowsher QC will speak on the "One Stop Shop - Arbitration, Mediation and Adjudication".
The meeting will take place at 1800 hours prompt at Keating Chambers, 15 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AU.

2nd Annual National Conference and First General Meeting of the Society

0930 hours, Millennium Gloucester Hotel, 4-18 Harrington Gardens, London SW7

2nd Annual National Conference and First General Meeting of the Society
0930 hours, Millennium Gloucester Hotel, 4-18 Harrington Gardens, London SW7