Past Events


Mock Adjudication - Dramatis Personae include Mr Tony Bingham as the Adjudicator, Simon Nurney, John Uwins, Rupert Choat and others
Venue - Messrs Herbert Smith, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2HS
Free to members and Guests
Download a flyer with more details

How not to upset the Adjudicator

How not to upset the Adjudicator
Speaker - John Hunter, Hunter Consulting
How not to upset the Parties
Speaker - David Scott, McGrigors
Venue - R.I.C.S., 9 Manor Place, Edinburgh
Our guest speakers will offer some personal and, at times, not too serious thoughts about the practice of adjudication-one from the perspective of the Adjudicator, the other from the perspective of the parties. Come along and share your experiences and those of others.

KCCLA Sweet & Maxwell Seventh Annual Lecture

KCCLA Sweet & Maxwell Seventh Annual Lecture
What I should like to do to the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
Speaker - Jeremy Glover
Chairman - HHJ Humphrey Lloyd QC
Venue - Council Chamber, King’s College London, Strand Campus, London WC2
Download the flyer

The Construction Act Review - Payment and Adjudication - The Big Issues

Breakfast buffet and talk
The Construction Act Review - Payment and Adjudication - The Big Issues
Speaker - Rudi Klein
Venue - Hotel du Vin, Church Street Birmingham
Registration 7.45 for 8.00
Download the flyer


Venue - The Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1H 7BG
Numbers are limited to 150
Read a brief report of this event

Seminar: Adjudication - Keeping the Model Simple

Seminar: Adjudication - Keeping the Model Simple
Speaker - Tony Bingham
Venue - Pinsents, 1 Park Row, Leeds
Places are free
Download the flyer

Adjudication Rules

Adjudication Rules
Speaker - Chris Hough
Venue - CMS Cameron McKenna, Mitre House, 160 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4DD
Meeting Free to Members and Guests

The burden of proof and all that

The burden of proof and all that
Speaker - tbc
Venue - Ulster Reform Club at 4 Royal Avenue
Lunch is 1pm. The talk will start at 1.30 and last no more than 30 mins with questions. The Club requires guests to wear jacket and tie (or ladies equivalent), The cost of the event is free. The cost of lunch is attendee's responsibility (excellent lunches are not expensive).

Construction Act Review - some thoughts on what can be done

Construction Act Review - some thoughts on what can be done
Speaker - Chris Dancaster
Chairman - Nicholas Gould of Fenwick Elliott LLP
Venue - National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, London SW1
Joint meeting with the Society of Construction Law - No meeting fee - No booking required

Adjudication - the Agony and the Ecstasy

Adjudication - the Agony and the Ecstasy
Speaker - Paul Jensen, Barrister
Adjudication is a new experience for the parties and for the adjudicator and this talk will cover the topics of, how to win your case and how, as an adjudicator, to cope within the required timescale.
Venue - Beachcroft Wansbroughs
Full details and application form

Notices to Withhold Payment under Section 111 of the Construction Act - the pitfalls

Notices to Withhold Payment under Section 111 of the Construction Act - the
The Seminar will discuss the requirements of Section 111, the content of a Notice of
Withholding and associated issues that arise under the payment provisions of the
Construction Act.
5:30 - 5:45 Coffee and Registration
5:45 - 6:30 Guest speaker [to be announced]
6:30 - 6:45 Questions and Answers
6:45 - 7:00 Wine and canapés
Venue: Bevan Ashford, 35 Colston Avenue, Bristol, BS1 4TT

Decisions, Decisions!

Decisions, Decisions!
Speaker - John Riches (Chairman James Foster)
Venue - Lawrence Graham, 190 Strand, London WC2R 1JN
Meeting Free to Members and Guests

CONSTRUCTION LAW SEMINAR: Introduction to the Basics 2004

CONSTRUCTION LAW SEMINAR: Introduction to the Basics 2004
Planned speakers include Professor Phillip Capper, Helen Garthwaite, Liam Holder, Philip Britton, Mark Handley and Nicholas Gould
Venue - Lucas Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, London
Full details and application form

Workshop sessions on jurisdiction and evidence

Workshop sessions on jurisdiction and evidence
Venue - Offices of Messrs. Shepherd & Wedderburn, Saltire Court, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh
As there are a limited number of places available please note that places will be allocated on a 'first come first served' basis.

Enforcement Issues in NI

Enforcement Issues in NI
Speaker - James Golden
Venue - Ulster Reform Club at 4 Royal Avenue
Lunch is 1pm. The talk will start at 1.30 and last no more than 30 mins with questions. The Club requires guests to wear jacket and tie (or ladies equivalent), The cost of the event is free. The cost of lunch is attendee's responsibility (excellent lunches are not expensive).

The Blue Standard Approach to Adjudication

The Blue Standard Approach to Adjudication
Speaker - Tony Bingham
Venue - Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry
An evening talk and discussion, including buffet.

Open Forum on the Latham Review

Open Forum on the Latham Review
Venue - Offices of Dundas & Wilson, 191 West George Street, Glasgow

The second Adjudication Society CPD Conference and Annual Dinner

Waltham Abbey
The second Adjudication Society CPD Conference and Annual Dinner will take place on 18th and 19th June 2004 at the Waltham Abbey Marriott hotel in Essex. The conference will start at lunchtime on Friday and run until 17.30 on Saturday, and a number of residential and non-residential attendance options are available.

Workshop - Presentation of evidence in adjudications under the Construction Act.

Adjudication, the Judicial Perspective

"Adjudication, the Judicial Perspective". His Honour Judge Raynor QC has kindly agreed to talk to the Society about the judiciary's view of adjudication and how it is working. This will be an invaluable insight into the way adjudication is considered by someone who is often asked to rule upon the enforcement of adjudicators' decisions. The talk will take place at 6.00pm at the offices of Hammonds, Trinity Court, 16 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M60 8HS.

Pitfalls in Notification

Pitfalls in Notification
Speaker - Eddie Quigg
Venue - Ulster Reform Club at 4 Royal Avenue
Lunch is 1pm. The talk will start at 1.30 and last no more than 30 mins with questions. The Club requires guests to wear jacket and tie (or ladies equivalent), The cost of the event is free. The cost of lunch is attendee's responsibility (excellent lunches are not expensive).

Surgery Session

Surgery Session
To be held at the office of Wilkes Partnership in Birmingham
Places limited to 30 on a first come first served basis
More details to follow

Tony Bingham will present "Let's have a chat about adjudication"

Tony Bingham will present "Let's have a chat about adjudication".
The meeting will be chaired by Tom Deacons.
Venue - Allen & Overy, One New Change, London EC4M 9QQ
(This replaces the Mock Adjudication which was to be held on the same day. The Mock Adjudication will now be held later in the year. Details will appear on the Website in due course.)

Current issues in adjudication

Current issues in adjudication
Speaker - The Lord Clark
Venue - the offices of Macroberts Solicitors, in Edinburgh

Innovation and Change in Construction Law

Innovation and Change in Construction Law
The extent of changes over the last decade is well documented in sector reports such as Latham and Egan. This need for innovation and change has been supported through various forums by the move towards less adversarial relationships and the developments of alternative contractual and dispute resolution approaches.
Some of the leading figures in the industry will provide a helpful review of recent developments in construction law, identifying trends and how they might develop in the future.