
Articles in the 2017/December Newsletter

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At CDR, we have been involved in the preparation, analysis, and publication of statistics and data concerning statutory adjudication and its use across the UK construction industry since its introduction in 1998.

Over 170 delegates attended the Adjudication Society’s annual conference in London last week to listen to speakers discuss and debate issues centring on “The users’ experience and what can be done to improve it?”.

Notes from our Chairman Tim Willis.

Unless one was very familiar with the 1st edition, it is not easy to decipher the changes in the 2nd edition, as no redline version showing the differences was published. So some inside knowledge, and some historical records, are indeed useful in identifying the changes and the reasons for them. 

Issues arising in adjudications have found their way into our courts on a fairly consistent basis since the Construction Act came into force.  

Many people in the construction industry do not have to consider how you get an adjudicator unless they are drafting the contract or a dispute arises. An adjudicator or possible adjudicators can be named in the contract or agreed by the parties once the dispute has arisen. Alternatively they can be selected by a nominating body.

The working party is charged with scoping a simple, Construction Act compliant, adjudication timetable and procedure for low value disputes. The plan is to give adjudication back to parties involved in low value disputes about straightforward issues.